The greatest act of disobedience to God from the creation of creation to this day is associating others with Him, Glory be to Him, to the extent that God described this sin as a great injustice. Shirk is translated literally as “taking a partner,” and it is when a partner other than God is involved as a demanding idol or others, seeking their help, warning them, praying for them, fasting them, or slaughtering them. There are several types of shirk in Islam:
1- Shirk in Godliness: which is the belief that there is a disposer of the universe through creation and management along with God. And this polytheism was claimed by Pharaoh for himself: “And he said, ‘I am your Lord, the Most High’” (Al-Nazi’at: 24), so God Almighty drowned him in an attempt to invalidate his claim.
2- Shirk in divinity: which is devoting worship or one of its types to other than God, such as one who seeks nearness through his worship of idols, fetishes, graves, and the like, claiming that it brings him closer to God.
All of this is a form of shirk in divinity, and God has not placed between him and his servants in his worship an intermediary from his creation. Rather, it is obligatory for the servants to draw closer to Him alone, without any intermediary, for He is worthy of all types of worship, from fear, hope, love, prayer, zakat, and other acts of worship of the heart and body. God Almighty said: {Say, “Indeed, my prayer and my ritual sacrifice, my living, and my dying, belong to God, Lord of the worlds. He has no partner, and thus I have been commanded, and I am the first.” Muslims} (Al-An’am: 162-163)
3- Shirk in names and attributes: It is the belief that there is a created being who is characterized by the attributes of God Almighty, just as God is characterized by them, such as someone who believes that a human being has knowledge of the unseen, like the knowledge of God Almighty, or that any of the creation has been endowed with power such that nothing is impossible for him, so his matter is clear. Al-Kaf and Nun, all of this is polytheism to God, and anyone who claims that is a liar and an impostor.
As for minor shirk, it is everything that the Sharia has forbidden, which is a pretext for major shirk and a means to fall into it. In the texts, it is called shirk, such as:
1. Swearing by other than God: for it is a pretext for descending into major shirk, and that is why the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, forbade it and called it shirk. By saying: “Whoever swears by something other than God has committed shirk.” Narrated by Al-Tirmidhi
2. The act of showing off: Such as lengthening the prayer sometimes so that people can see him, or raising his voice when reciting or dhikr sometimes so that people can hear him and praise him. Imam Ahmad narrated with a good chain of transmission on the authority of Mahmoud bin Labid, may God be pleased with him, who said: The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said, “The thing I fear most for you is minor shirk: Hypocrisy”
Minor shirk does not expel its perpetrator from the religion of Islam, but it is a greater sin than adultery and drinking alcohol, even if it does not reach the level of major shirk.
The punishment of shirk is the harshest and most severe punishment, which is eternal eternity in hell. God Almighty said in explaining that: {Indeed, whoever associates partners with God, God has forbidden to him Paradise, and his abode is the Fire, and the wrongdoers have no helpers} (Al-Ma’idah: 72) and for every sin the servant dies without repenting from it.
The condition of life, the possibility of pardon and forgiveness therein on the Day of Resurrection is possible, except for shirk and disbelief, for God has cut off the hope of its owner in forgiveness. God Almighty said: {Indeed, God does not forgive that anyone associates anything with Him, but He forgives anything less than that to whomever He will. And whoever associates anything with God has invented a great sin.} (An-Nisa: 48).
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The first step is to fill out a quick form The Form and we will send you the link of your Trial lesson on your mail and what’s app.
We are providing an onsite lessons only in Egypt, Otherwise will be online via any video call platform like Zoom.
Most students enroll in the Basic plan. The average student at WafaaKids spends around $64 per month. This approximately amounts to 8 teaching hours per month or 2 x 1-hour lessons per week which are suited for most levels and ensure the program goals are met. The pricing can be slightly different depending on the plan.
Over the years, we have had successes with very young students but we recognize that every child is different and some might have difficulty interacting with a teacher online. In general, we found that starting from age 7, there are rarely any issues with teaching online.
For younger ages, a guardian might need to accompany the student during the lessons initially to provide support until the student gets used to his/her teacher.
We understand that quality education can get expensive and therefore we offer a number of discounts to maximize the benefit for our students enrolled in our programs.
(1) Family Discounts: Students enrolled in our Basic and Pro plans receive 10% and 5% off respectively when 2 or more members of their family are enrolled in the same plan.
(2) Zakat Fund: For students who experience financial hardship, WafaaKids maintains a Zakat eligible fund that is used towards partially or fully subsidizing fees. You will be required to provide documentation to demonstrate your eligibility.